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IT00:36:50Ottobre 2024Spunti di management dai grandi della musica: Brahms, l’innovatore trasformistaGiorgio FabbriDirettore d'orchestra e musicista
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IT00:20:20Ottobre 2024Il nuovo nucleare per l’Italia: le opportunità per il sistema PaeseLorenzo TavazziSenior Partner, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT00:13:20Ottobre 2024IA e marketing: riflessione sulla sinergia tra l'innovazione, le potenzialità e le sfideAlberto MattiacciProfessore di Economia e Gestione delle Imprese, Università La Sapienza di Roma
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IT00:11:56Ottobre 2024L’impatto dell’IA sul mondo della musica: modelli, strumenti e governanceGadi SassoonCompositore e produttore, Ninja Tune Publishing
IT00:11:08Ottobre 2024IA e storytelling: una case history italiana per lo storytelling di domaniPier Domenico BaccalarioScrittore
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IT EN00:49:34Settembre 2024The Fundamental Role of Human Relationships and Authenticity in the Age of Gen-AIJann Martin SchwarzSenior Global Director of Marketplace Innovation; Founder, B2B Institute, LinkedIn
IT EN00:49:46Settembre 2024How to Build Meaningful Relationships in the Age of AIJann Martin SchwarzSenior Global Director of Marketplace Innovation; Founder, B2B Institute, LinkedIn
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IT EN00:26:41Settembre 2024What CEOs want from their Supply Chain Executives in an uncertain worldCarlos CordonProfessor of Strategy and Supply Chain Management, IMD Business School
IT EN00:16:22Settembre 2024Implementing a new operating model to overcome uncertainty. The Bayer experienceVincent CurtinCEO; Site Head, Bayer Healthcare Manufacturing; Garbagnate Milanese Plant, Bayer
IT EN00:36:20Settembre 2024Il nuovo quadro geopolitico di un mondo incertoFederico RampiniGiornalista e scrittore; Editorialista, Corriere della Sera
IT EN00:16:35Settembre 2024How to turn risks into opportunities and take action. The Iveco experienceAngela QuChief Supply Chain Officer, Iveco Group
IT EN00:25:08Settembre 2024Managing supply chains amid new globalisationJohn FergusonEconomist, Head of Globalisation, Trade and Finance Practice, The Economist Impact
IT EN00:40:24Settembre 2024Keep calm and carry on: the art of Supply Chain ManagementJan GodsellDean and Professor of Operations and Supply Chain Strategy, Loughborough Business School
IT EN00:26:48Settembre 2024Ripensare le Supply Chain verso modelli più resilientiFlavio SciuccatiSenior Partner, Director of the Industrial Strategy and Policy Practice, TEHA Group