Michele Geraci

Economista, già Sottosegretario, Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico

Megan Gerhardt

Professor of Management and Leadership, Farmer School of Business - Miami University

Mauro Giacca

Professor of Cardiovascular Sciences, King's College London

Carolina Gianardi

Responsabile Marketing Strategico, Poste Italiane

Paolo Gila

Giornalista economico e finanziario, Rai

Enrico Giovannini

Fondatore e Direttore Scientifico, Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile

Stéphane J. G. Girod

Professor of Strategy and Organizational Design, IMD Business School

Linda Gobbi

Co-fondatrice, Future Concept Lab

Sergey Gorbatov

Professore, IE Business School; Autore e Direttore General Manager Development, ABBVIE

Jonathan Gottschall

Autore e Distinguished Fellow, Washington & Jefferson College

Nik Gowing

Fondatore del progetto "Thinking the Unthinkable" e Co-Autore del libro "Thinking the Unthinkable: a new imperative for leadership in a disruptive age"

Dominic Grainger


David Gram

Co-Founder & Partner, Diplomatic Rebels

Marco Grazioli

Presidente, The European House - Ambrosetti; Consigliere di Amministrazione, TEHA Group

Fadi Hassan

Visiting Professor of Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Michael Heise

Chief Economist, Allianz SE

James Henderson

Director, Energy Transition Research Initiative; Chairman Gas Research Programme, Oxford Institute for Energy Studies

Janet Henry

Global Chief Economist, HSBC

Cameron Hepburn

Professore di Environmental Economics e Direttore, Smith School of Enterprise and Environment, University of Oxford

Edward Hess

Professor of Business Administration, University of Virginia Darden School of Business

Jerome Hiquet

già Chief Marketing Officer, Formula E

Pablos Holman

Futurist, IT Security Expert, Intellectual Ventures Laboratory, USA

Dominic Houlder

Adjunct Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship, London Business School

Bazmi Husain

Chief Technology Officer, ABB S.p.A.