Immigration, Welfare Chauvinism and the Support for Radical Right Parties in Europe
Immigration, Welfare Chauvinism and the Support for Radical Right Parties in Europe

Luis Cornago Bonal
Delia Zollinger

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Financial Stability Review
Financial Stability Review

European Central Bank

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018


Luigi Zingales
Kate Waldock

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Italy's Populists Can Beat Europe's Establishment
Italy's Populists Can Beat Europe's Establishment

Luigi Zingales

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

How to Create Middle Class Jobs. Sixteen top academics offer ideas for bringing back opportunities
How to Create Middle Class Jobs. Sixteen top academics offer ideas for bringing back opportunities

Chicago Booth Review

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Are Google and Facebook monopolies?
Are Google and Facebook monopolies?

Luigi Zingales

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

The Riddle of Weak Productivity
The Riddle of Weak Productivity

Heiner Flassbeck

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

ECB staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area
ECB staff macroeconomic projections for the euro area

European Central Bank

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Does Automation Destroy Jobs?
Does Automation Destroy Jobs?

Heiner Flassbeck

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Understanding China's rise under XI Jinping
Understanding China's rise under XI Jinping

Kevin Rudd

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

The new world disorder and the fracturing of the west
The new world disorder and the fracturing of the west

Martin Wolf

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Capitalisn't: A firm grip on the labor market
Capitalisn't: A firm grip on the labor market

Luigi Zingales
Kate Waldock

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

European Central Bank Economic Bulletin n. 2/2018
European Central Bank Economic Bulletin n. 2/2018

European Central Bank

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Asean at 50
Asean at 50

Kishore Mahbubani

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Asia's Response to Chaotic, Complex and Confusing World
Asia's Response to Chaotic, Complex and Confusing World

Andrew Sheng

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

The Lesser Evil for the Eurozone
The Lesser Evil for the Eurozone

Jean Pisani-Ferry

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Capital Markets Union: breaking down barriers to cross-border investments
Capital Markets Union: breaking down barriers to cross-border investments

European Commisison

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value
Companies Should Maximize Shareholder Welfare Not Market Value

Oliver Hart
Luigi Zingales

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Agenda per l'Europa e per l'Italia
Agenda per l'Europa e per l'Italia

Luigi Zingales

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

How to reconcile risk sharing and market discipline in the euro area
How to reconcile risk sharing and market discipline in the euro area

Agnès Bénassy-Quéré
Markus K Brunnermeier
Henrik Enderlein
Emmanuel Farhi
Marcel Fratzscher
Clemens Fuest
Pierre-Olivier Gourinchas
Philippe Martin
Jean Pisani-Ferry
Hélène Rey

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

IMF - World Economic Outlook - Update. Brighter prospects, optimistic markets, challenges ahead
IMF - World Economic Outlook - Update. Brighter prospects, optimistic markets, challenges ahead

IMF - International Monetary Fund

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Tracking the International Footprints of Global Firms
Tracking the International Footprints of Global Firms

Hyun Song Shin
Stefan Avdjiev
Mary Everett
Philip R. Lane

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

Economic Bulletin n. 1/2018
Economic Bulletin n. 1/2018

Banca D'Italia

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018

The Asian Values Debate Returns
The Asian Values Debate Returns

Andrew Sheng

Pubblicato il 05/04/2018
