IT00:00:47June 2018Le reti di imprese migliorano produttività e competitivitàGiorgio AllevaPresidente, ISTAT - ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI STATISTICA
IT01:00:54June 2018Il Rapporto ISTAT 2018: L’economia italiana e il sistema delle impreseGiorgio AllevaPresidente, ISTAT - ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI STATISTICA
IT00:01:05June 2018Il Rapporto ISTAT 2018: L’economia italiana e il sistema delle impreseGiorgio AllevaPresidente, ISTAT - ISTITUTO NAZIONALE DI STATISTICA
IT EN01:03:12June 2018At the edge of innovation: Quantum ComputingRobert SutorVP, IBM Q Strategy and Ecosystem, IBM Research
IT EN00:02:52June 2018Building a Quantum Computing Community: IBM case studyRobert SutorVP, IBM Q Strategy and Ecosystem, IBM Research
IT00:01:39June 2018Alle frontiere dell'innovazione: il Quantum ComputingRobert SutorVP, IBM Q Strategy and Ecosystem, IBM Research
IT EN00:02:48June 2018Quantum Computing: What are the possible practical applicationsRobert SutorVP, IBM Q Strategy and Ecosystem, IBM Research
EN00:01:39June 2018At the edge of innovation: Quantum ComputingRobert SutorVP, IBM Q Strategy and Ecosystem, IBM Research
IT00:58:15June 2018Come si determina oggi il valore di un'azienda? Il CFO figura chiave nello sviluppo del paradigma della sostenibilitàMassimo MondazziChief Financial and Risk Management Officer, ENI
IT00:01:14June 2018Coraggio, Innovazione, Disruption: il caso SatispayAlberto DalmassoChief Executive Officer, Satispay
IT00:02:38June 2018Come cambieranno gli strumenti di pagamento da mobile nei prossimi 3-5 anniAlberto DalmassoChief Executive Officer, Satispay
IT00:03:45June 2018Come fare start up oggi: puntare in alto e cercare azionistiAlberto DalmassoChief Executive Officer, Satispay
IT01:02:13June 2018Coraggio, Innovazione, Disruption: il caso SatispayAlberto DalmassoChief Executive Officer, Satispay
IT00:02:33June 2018La Whatsapp dei pagamenti da smartphone: SatispayAlberto DalmassoChief Executive Officer, Satispay
IT01:01:29May 2018E-mobility revolution: il futuro della mobilitàAlberto PigliaHead of E-Mobility, EnelLorenzo TavazziResponsabile dell’Area Scenari e Intelligence, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT00:02:22May 2018Il futuro dell'E-Mobility: quanto crescerà nel 2030?Alberto PigliaHead of E-mobility, EnelLorenzo TavazziResponsabile dell’Area Scenari e Intelligence, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT00:02:28May 2018La rivoluzione della mobilità e la risposta di EnelAlberto PigliaHead of E-mobility, Enel
IT01:01:29May 2018E-mobility revolution: il futuro della mobilitàAlberto PigliaHead of E-Mobility, EnelLorenzo TavazziResponsabile dell’Area Scenari e Intelligence, The European House - Ambrosetti
IT EN00:02:44May 2018Ad blocking: a more sustainable approach to online advertisingTill FaidaChief Executive Officer, Eyeo
IT00:01:26May 2018L'evoluzione dell'advertising online: “Making the Internet better for everyone”Till FaidaChief Executive Officer, Eyeo
EN00:01:25May 2018The Evolution of online advertising: “Making the Internet better for everyone”Till FaidaChief Executive Officer, Eyeo
IT EN00:57:29May 2018The Evolution of online advertising: “Making the Internet better for everyone”Till FaidaChief Executive Officer, Eyeo
IT EN00:02:07May 2018How is data driven advertising affecting privacyTill FaidaChief Executive Officer, Eyeo