IT EN00:40:05April 2024The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive sideJonathan GottschallAuthor and Distinguished Fellow, Washington & Jefferson College
IT EN00:16:44April 2024Mapping Risks for Investments: a Better Approach to Emerging MarketsRobert KoenigsbergerFounder, Managing Partner & CIO, Gramercy Funds Management
IT EN00:26:33April 20242024 Geopolitical Outlook. Inflection PointTina FordhamFounder and Geopolitical Strategist;ormer Chief Global Political Analyst, Fordham Global Foresight; Wall Street, Citi
IT EN00:35:40April 2024Agenda for Italy: the Role of Human Capital in Explaining Italy’s Productivity GapPaola SapienzaSenior Fellow;Donald C. Clark/HSBC Chair in Consumer Finance Professor, Hoover Institution, Stanford University;Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
IT EN00:30:24April 2024The Outlook of China's EconomyYu YongdingAcademician; Member, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China; Advisory Committee of National Planning
IT00:39:38March 2024La crisi delle democrazie occidentali: quali prospettive per il nostro sistema socioeconomico?Michele BoldrinProfessore di Economia; Condirettore, Washington University in Saint Louis; Center for Dynamic Economics
IT00:33:28March 2024L’Italia tra resilienza e decarbonizzazioneSergio CastellariClimatologo; Rappresentante Permanente d’Italia, ONU
IT00:36:21March 2024Gli obiettivi della lotta al cambiamento climatico: a che punto siamo?Sergio CastellariClimatologo; Rappresentante Permanente d’Italia, ONU
IT00:35:00March 2024L’agenda SDGs e il businessPaolo TaticchiProfessor of Strategy and Sustainability, School Deputy Director, University College London School of Management
IT00:38:34March 2024Progettare e implementare strategie di sostenibilitàPaolo TaticchiProfessor of Strategy and Sustainability, School Deputy Director, University College London School of Management
IT00:25:26March 2024La fine dell’incantesimo nel mondo del lavoroMaura GancitanoFilosofa e Scrittrice
IT00:27:13March 2024La nuova visione del rapporto tra uomo e lavoroFrancesca CoinSociologa, Autrice e Professoressa
IT01:04:18March 2024L’Italia nella Guerra Grande: trovare un ruolo nel caos globaleLucio CaraccioloDirettore, Limes e Scuola di Limes
IT EN01:12:45March 2024Talk and convince: the techniques of great speakers to be clearer and more incisive communicatorsNick Coburn-PaloProfessor of Public Speaking, Harvard University
IT EN00:55:02March 2024Public Speaking: Tips and Practical Exercises for a Successful SpeechNick Coburn-PaloProfessor of Public Speaking, Harvard University
IT01:00:11March 2024Il raggiungimento dell’eccellenza tramite il sorriso e la motivazione intrinsecaMarco GrazioliPresidente, The European House – Ambrosetti
IT00:33:28March 2024Lo studio prima e dopo una performance musicaleGiuseppe VessicchioMusicista, Compositore e Direttore d'orchestra
IT00:42:30March 2024Consigli pratici per testare il tuo stile comunicativo e adattarlo a ogni situazione aziendaleAlberto CastelvecchiAdjunct Professor, LUISS Business School
IT00:33:29March 2024La comunicazione migliore è la tua ed è breve. Trovare il proprio totem comunicativo per raccontare e convincereAlberto CastelvecchiAdjunct Professor, LUISS Business School
IT EN00:27:06March 2024Being relevant in the age of AI Mike ArmstrongChief Marketing & Communications Officer, Juventus FC
IT EN00:35:09March 2024Leveraging Data. Enhance consumers experience through new technologies and generative AIDavid DuboisAssociate Professor of Marketing , The Cornelius Grupp Fellowship in Digital Analytics for Consumer Behaviour, INSEAD
IT EN00:24:34March 2024Being creative in the age of AIAude GandonSVP, Global Chief Marketing Officer, Nestlé
IT EN00:40:15March 2024Public Opinion in the age of AI. How to manage and influence people on current social topicsMoran CerfNeuroscientist and Adjunct Professor of Business, Marketing Division, Columbia Business School