CEO, GeniusWork; Professor of Leadership, Strategy and Innovation, IE Business School; Global Director, Thinkers50
Honorary Professor, Hamburg University; former State Secretary, Federal Ministry of Finance, Germany
Director of the Digital Ethics Lab, Oxford Internet Institute e Professor of Philosophy & Ethics of Information, Oxford University
President, Storyfactory
Direttore Responsabile, CORRIERE DELLA SERA
President, Singapore Manufacturing Federation
Direttore Studi Economici/Fondazione, EDISON
Professor of Journalism, Columbia School of Journalism
Dieter Schwarz Associate Professor of AI & Work, Oxford Internet Institute; Director of the Future of Work Programme and Oxford Martin Citi Fellow, Oxford Martin School
Deputy-Editor-in-Chief and columnist, Corriere della Sera
Managing Director and Scientific Director, Cefriel
Adjunct Professor in Organizational Psychology, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, Norwegian School of Management
SVP, Innovation & Strategic Parternship
CEO, Europe, Middle East and Africa & Global Chief Strategy Officer, Burson-Marsteller
Professor of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, IE Business School Madrid
Distinguished Faculty Scholar and Associate Professor, Operations, Information, and Decisions Department, Wharton School, The University of Pennsylvania
Author, Harvard Business Review
Creative Director, Sugo Design
Partner e Director Global Board, Spencer Stuart
Chairman, China Development Institute
Vice President, Innovation, Imperial College London
Direttore Trasformazione Digitale, Roma Capitale
Editorial Director, The New's Room
European Commissioner for Economy
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