Wednesday, April 16, 2025 (4:30 pm - 5:30 pm)

International credibility, growth, rigor, and reforms: lessons for today’s Italy (through the story of De Gasperi)

In a time marked by geopolitical uncertainties and economic transformations, Italy faces crucial challenges: from international credibility to growth, from financial rigor to the need for structural reforms. How can our country strengthen its role in Europe and navigate the uncertainties of the global context? How can it ensure sustainable and competitive growth in an ever-evolving global landscape?

Through a dialogue with Antonio Polito, columnist for Corriere della Sera and author of "Il costruttore. Le cinque lezioni di De Gasperi ai politici di oggi", this event will provide participants with an opportunity to discuss these issues and reflect on how De Gasperi's legacy can offer concrete insights for tackling today’s challenges.


Antonio Polito

Giornalista, già Vicedirettore, Corriere della Sera


April 16, 2025
4:30 pm - 5:00 pm Speech by Antonio Polito
5:00 pm - 5:30 pm Debate

Meeting documents

Nota informativa

International credibility, growth, rigor, and reforms: lessons for today’s Italy (through the story of De Gasperi)

Nota informativa


International credibility, growth, rigor, and reforms: lessons for today’s Italy (through the story of De Gasperi)
