WEBINAR LIVE How the role of the Chief Sustainability Officer is evolving in relation to other Executives: sustainability from compliance to innovation strategy Nota informativa
WEBINAR LIVE How the role of the Chief Sustainability Officer is evolving in relation to other Executives: sustainability from compliance to innovation strategy Kit
How corporate social responsibility and sustainable development functions impact the workplace: A review of the literature Jean-Pascal Gond, Grace Augustine, Hyemi Shin, Alessandro Tirapani, Szilvia MosonyiILO - International Labour Organization
Sustainability ideals are often crushed by corporate demands. Here’s how businesses can let them flourish Sanne Frandsen, Enrico Fontana, Mette MorsingThe Conversation
How CSR Managers Can Inspire Other Leaders to Act on Sustainability Christopher Wickert, Frank G.A. de BakkerHarvard Business Review