Monday, April 8, 2024 (4:30 pm - 5:30 pm) Incontro

The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive side

In a world where we are constantly exposed to news and stories of all kinds, it becomes increasingly difficult to avoid being attracted to narratives that can often be false and negative. It thus becomes essential to begin to recognize possible narrative traps and, at the same time, to be able to turn the idea into something concrete,
to turn a story into reality. 
But how to recognize bad storytelling? How to build the right tools to protect your business? And, finally, how to build positive and effective storytelling in response instead? 
Through business case studies and beyond, participants will be able to explore the paradox of storytelling, understanding how to develop the right tools to defend against its dark side and make the most of the positive one. To do so, participants will be able to engage with Jonathan Gottschall, professor and author of The Story Paradox: How our love of storytelling can build but also destroy society (2021).
In particular, the meeting will discuss:

  • the negative role of storytelling: why stories of misinformation and conspiracy proliferate and how to defend against them
  • developing the tools to protect your organization from bad storytelling while developing the skills to build a good one
  • is there a recipe for a "perfect" story?


Jonathan Gottschall

Author and Distinguished Fellow, Washington & Jefferson College


April 08, 2024
4:30 pm - 5:10 pm The storytelling paradox: how to defend against its dark side and make the most of the positive one
5:10 pm - 5:30 pm Debate

Documenti dell'incontro

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The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive side

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The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive side



The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive side

The science of storytelling. Why stories make us human, and how to tell them better

Will Storr

William Collins

The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive side

How to tell a story. The essential guide to memorable storytelling from the moth

Meg Bowles, Catherine Burns, Jenifer Hixson , Sarah Austin Jenness , Kate Tellers


The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive side

Made to stick. Why some ideas survive and others die

Chip Heath, Dan Heath

Random House

The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive side

The art of fiction. Notes on craft for young writers

John Gardner

Knopf Doubleday

The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive side

The story paradox. How our love of storytelling builds societies and tears them down

Jonathan Gottschall

Basic Books

The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive side

The storytelling animal. How stories make us human

Jonathan Gottschall

Mariner Books

The paradox of storytelling: how to guard against its dark side and make the most of its positive side

Lo storytelling che genera cambiamenti audaci. Come mettere assieme una narrazione veramente incisiva

Frances Frei, Anne Morriss

Harvard Business Review Italia

Video of the meeting