Thursday, February 15, 2024 (12 noon - 1:15 pm) Incontro

The challenge of assessment: better old or new methods to understand the value of people?

It is increasingly important for companies to be able to select and evaluate their employees accurately and objectively. In the current work context characterized by skill phenomena and talent shortage, a wrong assessment on the staff risks a very negative impact on the growth of an organization. 
At the same time, the ability to evaluate people is an important skill for a leader who, in his daily life, must be able to transmit objective and motivating feedback to his employees. 
Today, companies have a huge variety of assessment tools: from the most traditional psychological techniques to the most innovative ones that use wearable devices, social media analytics and gamification. But what are the most effective methods?  
In this webinar, participants will discuss with Adrian Furnham, professor of organizational psychology and author of the book "Twenty Ways to Assess Personnel", which will illustrate the best approaches and tools to evaluate people with balance and without prejudice. 
In particular, the following topics will be addressed: 

  • the most complex and recurrent problems in evaluating people 
  • traditional vs innovative assessment techniques for companies  
  • the most effective methods to understand the value of a person. 


Adrian Furnham

Adjunct Professor in Organizational Psychology, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour, Norwegian School of Management


February 15, 2024
12 noon - 12:45 pm The most valid assessment methods
12:45 pm - 1:15 pm Q&A

Documenti dell'incontro

Nota informativa

The challenge of assessment: better old or new methods to understand the value of people?

Nota informativa


The challenge of assessment: better old or new methods to understand the value of people?



The challenge of assessment: better old or new methods to understand the value of people?

New Techniques Of Assessment And Selection At Work

Adrian Furnham

The challenge of assessment: better old or new methods to understand the value of people?

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Amy Leschke-Kahle

MIT Sloan Management Review

The challenge of assessment: better old or new methods to understand the value of people?

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Christopher Frank, Paul Magnone, Oded Netzer

Harvard Business Review

The challenge of assessment: better old or new methods to understand the value of people?

Assessment and selection in the 21st century. Fairness, equity and competitive advantage

Adrian Furnham, Alwyn Moerdyk

Peter Lang

The challenge of assessment: better old or new methods to understand the value of people?

Twenty ways to assess personnel. Different techniques and their respective advantages

Adrian Furnham

Cambridge University

Video of the meeting