Sfide per l'Europa e per l'Italia nel quadro economico globale
Sfide per l'Europa e per l'Italia nel quadro economico globale

Luigi Zingales

Added on 08/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Italy's Election Is a Shipwreck
Italy's Election Is a Shipwreck

Luigi Zingales

Added on 08/04/2019

Scenario Economia
The post-american world economy. Globalization in the Trump era
The post-american world economy. Globalization in the Trump era

Adam S. Posen

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
10 falsi miti sull'economia italiana
10 falsi miti sull'economia italiana

Fondazione Edison

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Why the world economy feels so fragile
Why the world economy feels so fragile

Martin Wolf

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
The outlook for the euro area economy
The outlook for the euro area economy

Mario Draghi

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
European Economic Forecast
European Economic Forecast

European Commision

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
The Narrow Path
The Narrow Path

Ministero Dell'Economia E Delle Finanze

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Europe needs reforms for inclusive growth. Do Europeans agree?
Europe needs reforms for inclusive growth. Do Europeans agree?

Pier Carlo Padoan

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
How Trump is repelling foreign investment. The long-term costs of economic nationalism
How Trump is repelling foreign investment. The long-term costs of economic nationalism

Adam S. Posen

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Theresa May is taking a hideous Brexit gamble
Theresa May is taking a hideous Brexit gamble

Martin Wolf

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Why Brexit Will Damage Europe
Why Brexit Will Damage Europe

Gabriel Sigmar

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
From a No-Deal Brexit to a No-Brexit Deal
From a No-Deal Brexit to a No-Brexit Deal

Hans-Werner Sinn

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Economics-based Principles for a Post-conflict China-US Commercial Regime
Economics-based Principles for a Post-conflict China-US Commercial Regime

Adam S. Posen

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
The ECB must reconsider its plan to tighten
The ECB must reconsider its plan to tighten

Martin Wolf

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
The Brexit delusion of creating “Singapore upon Thames”
The Brexit delusion of creating “Singapore upon Thames”

Martin Wolf

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Monetary policy in the euro area
Monetary policy in the euro area

Mario Draghi

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
World Economic Outlook Update, January 2019
World Economic Outlook Update, January 2019

International Monetary Fund

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Global growth weakening as some risks materialise
Global growth weakening as some risks materialise

OECD Interim Economic Outlook

Added on 04/04/2019

Scenario Economia
Does better management lead to better performance?
Does better management lead to better performance?

Vlatka Hlupic

Added on 01/04/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
The frogs in hot water
The frogs in hot water

Dialogue Review

Added on 01/04/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
Mindset: the big shift
Mindset: the big shift

Dialogue Review

Added on 01/04/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
Ethos, Pathos, Logos – The Three Pillars of Rhetoric
Ethos, Pathos, Logos – The Three Pillars of Rhetoric

John Zimmer

Added on 26/03/2019

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
The Power of the Pause
The Power of the Pause

John Zimmer

Added on 26/03/2019

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione