Learning this ‘superpower’ could help secure your next job, deal or even date
Learning this ‘superpower’ could help secure your next job, deal or even date

Karen Gilchrist

Added on 01/10/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
6 ways to recognize a wise leader
6 ways to recognize a wise leader

Navi Radjou
Prasad Kaipa

Added on 01/10/2019

Are you a smart or wise innovator?
Are you a smart or wise innovator?

Navi Radjou

Added on 30/09/2019

5 things we can learn from the world's greenest business district
5 things we can learn from the world's greenest business district

Navi Radjou

Added on 30/09/2019

The genius of frugal innovation
The genius of frugal innovation

Navi Radjou

Added on 30/09/2019

How France and India can unleash the power of
How France and India can unleash the power of "frugal innovation"

Navi Radjou

Added on 30/09/2019

Leading Innovation in the 21st Century
Leading Innovation in the 21st Century

Navi Radjou

Added on 30/09/2019

Fallimento, miniera di successi
Fallimento, miniera di successi

Andrea Devicenzi

Added on 26/09/2019

Risorse umane
Ho sognato e ho vinto
Ho sognato e ho vinto

Paola Gianotti

Added on 26/09/2019

Risorse umane
Lezioni di sci: cose che ho imparato sciando sulle montagne più grandi della terra
Lezioni di sci: cose che ho imparato sciando sulle montagne più grandi della terra

Emilio Previtali

Added on 26/09/2019

Risorse umane
Just E-volution 2030. Gli impatti socio-economici della transizione energetica in Europa
Just E-volution 2030. Gli impatti socio-economici della transizione energetica in Europa

Lorenzo Tavazzi

Added on 26/09/2019

Il nostro viaggio insieme
Il nostro viaggio insieme

Coca-Cola HBC

Added on 25/09/2019

Operations - R&D
Welcome to Nogara
Welcome to Nogara

Coca-Cola HBC

Added on 25/09/2019

Operations - R&D
Digitalizzazione e change management: le chiavi per migliorare l'azienda
Digitalizzazione e change management: le chiavi per migliorare l'azienda

Fabrizio Salvador

Added on 23/09/2019

Innovazione Risorse umane
Generative Patterning in Brief Coaching
Generative Patterning in Brief Coaching

Jan Ardui

Added on 18/09/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
A Brief History of Logical Levels
A Brief History of Logical Levels

Robert B. Dilts

Added on 18/09/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback
Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback

Rachel Jug Xiaoyin Jug Xiaoyin
Xiaoyin ‘‘Sara’’ Jiang
Sarah M. Bean

Added on 18/09/2019

Risorse umane Leadership
Blockchain. La chiave per entrare in un mondo decentralizzato
Blockchain. La chiave per entrare in un mondo decentralizzato

Paolo Tasca

Added on 12/09/2019

Training program on DLT
Training program on DLT

Paolo Tasca

Added on 12/09/2019

Ucl blockchain framework
Ucl blockchain framework

Nikhil Vadgama
Paolo Tasca

Added on 12/09/2019

Distributed ledger technology (dlt) and blockchain
Distributed ledger technology (dlt) and blockchain

The World Bank

Added on 12/09/2019

Il futuro dell'Europa tra nazionalismi e populismi
Il futuro dell'Europa tra nazionalismi e populismi

Marc Lazar

Added on 11/09/2019

Who's winning the US-China trade war? It's not the United States or China
Who's winning the US-China trade war? It's not the United States or China

Sherman Robinson
Karen Thierfelder

Added on 05/09/2019

Empowering EU member states with strategic sovereignty
Empowering EU member states with strategic sovereignty

Mark Leonard
Jeremy Shapiro

Added on 05/09/2019

Scenario Economia