Ulteriori letture suggerite da Martin Wolf
Ulteriori letture suggerite da Martin Wolf

Financial Times

Added on 03/04/2020

Banks of the Future 2020 - Executive Summary
Banks of the Future 2020 - Executive Summary

Ambrosetti Club

Added on 03/04/2020

Banks of the Future 2020 - Slides De Molli Panzeri Padoan
Banks of the Future 2020 - Slides De Molli Panzeri Padoan

Ambrosetti Club

Added on 03/04/2020


Rajesh Baht

Added on 03/04/2020

Corona shock
Corona shock

Heiner Flassbeck

Added on 03/04/2020

Banche del Futuro 2020 - Presentazione De Molli Panzeri Padoan)
Banche del Futuro 2020 - Presentazione De Molli Panzeri Padoan)

Ambrosetti Club

Added on 03/04/2020

Banche del Futuro 2020 - Executive Summary
Banche del Futuro 2020 - Executive Summary

Ambrosetti Club

Added on 03/04/2020

Britain needs to be crystal clear about belated virus strategy
Britain needs to be crystal clear about belated virus strategy

Martin Wolf

Added on 03/04/2020

Coronavirus tracked: the latest figures as the pandemic spreads
Coronavirus tracked: the latest figures as the pandemic spreads

Steven Bernard
Cale Tilford
John Burn-Murdoch
Keith Fray

Added on 03/04/2020

Chronicle of a tragedy foretold: the European economy in the pandemic
Chronicle of a tragedy foretold: the European economy in the pandemic

Martin Wolf

Added on 03/04/2020

Germany's emergency-stop: the economy in the time of corona
Germany's emergency-stop: the economy in the time of corona

Heiner Flassbeck

Added on 03/04/2020

The virus is an economic emergency too
The virus is an economic emergency too

Martin Wolf

Added on 03/04/2020

Smart citizen wallet. Il sistema che premia i city user virtuosi
Smart citizen wallet. Il sistema che premia i city user virtuosi

Raffaele Gareri

Added on 02/04/2020

Tech4milano. Il digitale risponde all'emergenza
Tech4milano. Il digitale risponde all'emergenza

Roberta Cocco

Added on 02/04/2020

Presentation of 2020 cashless society community report
Presentation of 2020 cashless society community report

Community Cashless Society

Added on 02/04/2020

Tableu de bord of the cashless society
Tableu de bord of the cashless society

Community Cashless Society 2020

Added on 02/04/2020

Mappa Concettuale
Mappa Concettuale

Community Cashless Society 2020

Added on 02/04/2020

I progressi dell'Italia verso una cashless society e cosa resta da fare
I progressi dell'Italia verso una cashless society e cosa resta da fare

Stefano Cappiello

Added on 02/04/2020

Conceptual map
Conceptual map

Community Cashless Society 2020

Added on 02/04/2020

Verso la cashless revolution: i progressi dell'Italia e cosa fare - 2020 Report
Verso la cashless revolution: i progressi dell'Italia e cosa fare - 2020 Report

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 02/04/2020

Il tableu de bord della cashless society
Il tableu de bord della cashless society

Community Cashless Society 2020

Added on 02/04/2020

The role of cashless revolution: Singapore
The role of cashless revolution: Singapore

Wei Chuen Chua

Added on 02/04/2020

Presentazione del rapporto 2020 della community cashless society
Presentazione del rapporto 2020 della community cashless society

Community Cashless Society

Added on 02/04/2020

Letter Club n. 104 - Towards the cashless revolution: Italy's progress and what remains to be done
Letter Club n. 104 - Towards the cashless revolution: Italy's progress and what remains to be done

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 02/04/2020