Six Steps to Leading High-Performing X-Teams
Six Steps to Leading High-Performing X-Teams

Deborah Ancona
Henrik Bresman
David Caldwell

Added on 29/06/2020

Leadership Worksheets
Leadership Worksheets

Deborah Ancona

Added on 29/06/2020

How to Give Your Team the Right Amount of Autonomy
How to Give Your Team the Right Amount of Autonomy

Deborah Ancona
Kate Isaacs

Added on 29/06/2020

Challenge-Driven Leadership
Challenge-Driven Leadership

Deborah Ancona
Hal Gregersen

Added on 29/06/2020

5 rules for Leaders to Succeed in a World of Uncertainty
5 rules for Leaders to Succeed in a World of Uncertainty

Deborah Ancona

Added on 29/06/2020

The 3 Types of Leaders of Innovative Companies
The 3 Types of Leaders of Innovative Companies

Deborah Ancona
Kate Isaacs

Added on 29/06/2020

Getting diversity & inclusion right
Getting diversity & inclusion right

Josefine Van Zanten
Alyson Meister

Added on 25/06/2020

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
The Model Thinker - Capitoli 1, 2 e 3
The Model Thinker - Capitoli 1, 2 e 3

Scott E. Page

Added on 25/06/2020

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
A Leader's Toolkit For Reopening
A Leader's Toolkit For Reopening

Scott E. Page

Added on 25/06/2020

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
Want To Get More Innovative With Your Team? Here's Where You Need To Focus
Want To Get More Innovative With Your Team? Here's Where You Need To Focus

Shaheena Janjuha-Jivraj

Added on 25/06/2020

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
Chapter one - Diversity bonuses: the idea
Chapter one - Diversity bonuses: the idea

Scott E. Page

Added on 25/06/2020

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
Teams Solve Problems Faster When They’re More Cognitively Diverse
Teams Solve Problems Faster When They’re More Cognitively Diverse

Alison Reynolds
David Lewis

Added on 25/06/2020

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
The Diversity Bonus building winning teams to improve business performance
The Diversity Bonus building winning teams to improve business performance

Scott E. Page

Added on 25/06/2020

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
Facebook's Quest For Cognitive Diversity: A Conversation With Maxine Williams
Facebook's Quest For Cognitive Diversity: A Conversation With Maxine Williams

Carolina Milanesi

Added on 25/06/2020

Sales & Marketing Risorse umane Comunicazione
Organizational Identity Expressiveness and Perception Management
Organizational Identity Expressiveness and Perception Management

Mignon Van Halderen

Added on 24/06/2020

Sales & Marketing
The Role of Managerial Perception within Strategic Management: An Exploratory Overview of the Literature
The Role of Managerial Perception within Strategic Management: An Exploratory Overview of the Literature

Zafer Özleblebici
Şahin Çetin

Added on 24/06/2020

Sales & Marketing
Regimi di verità. Convivere con leggende e fatti alternativi
Regimi di verità. Convivere con leggende e fatti alternativi

Andrea Fontana

Added on 24/06/2020

Sales & Marketing
Perception Management: governare le percezioni dei pubblici di riferimento (interni ed esterni all’azienda), nel nuovo mondo
Perception Management: governare le percezioni dei pubblici di riferimento (interni ed esterni all’azienda), nel nuovo mondo

Andrea Fontana

Added on 24/06/2020

Sales & Marketing
Organizational Perception Management
Organizational Perception Management

Kimberly Elsbach

Added on 24/06/2020

Sales & Marketing
NEW IS BEAUTIFUL. Mai domi davanti al destino
NEW IS BEAUTIFUL. Mai domi davanti al destino

Marco Grazioli

Added on 23/06/2020

Risorse umane
Non ci resta che piangere
Non ci resta che piangere

Roberto Benigni
Massimo Troisi

Added on 17/06/2020

Risorse umane
Rocky II
Rocky II

Sylvester Stallone

Added on 17/06/2020

Risorse umane
Le ali della libertà
Le ali della libertà

Frank Darabont

Added on 17/06/2020

Risorse umane
La vita è bella
La vita è bella

Roberto Benigni

Added on 17/06/2020

Risorse umane