Council conclusions on European Semester: macroeconomic and fiscal guidance Council Of The European UnionAdded on 18/03/2011 Scenario
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The store, an emotional space. Creating a movig story: the shopping process Lluis Martinez RibesAdded on 16/03/2011 Sales & Marketing
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Not just "selling machines". Why do so many companies want to be in retailing? Lluis Martinez RibesAdded on 16/03/2011 Sales & Marketing
Crisis, what crisis? Confronting the situation through neuroscience and direct marketing Lluis Martinez RibesAdded on 16/03/2011 Sales & Marketing
Relazione e conflitto: come gestire le differenze per generare nuove opportunità Dario BalassoAdded on 10/03/2011 Risorse umane
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Legge 5 maggio 2009, n. 42 - Delega al Governo in materia di federalismo fiscale, in attuazione dell' articolo 119 della Costituzione Camera Dei Deputati E Senato Della RepubblicaAdded on 08/03/2011 Alta Direzione
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