Governance economica nell'Unione Europea: La Commissione definisce le priorità annuali per la crescita dell'UE European CommissionAdded on 18/03/2011 Scenario
Analisi annuale della crescita. Allegato 1. Relazione sui pregressi della strategia europa 2020 European CommissionAdded on 18/03/2011 Scenario
Andamenti economici monetari (Bollettino Mensile n. 2 - Febbraio 2011) European Central BankAdded on 18/03/2011 Scenario
Building resilience and opportunity - The world bank social protection & labor strategy 2012-2022 - Concept note The World BankAdded on 18/03/2011 Scenario
Pursuing strong, sustainable and balanced growth: the role for structural reform OecdAdded on 18/03/2011 Scenario
Output, demand and the labour market (Monthly Bulletin n. 2 - February 2011) European Central BankAdded on 18/03/2011 Scenario
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European economic and social Committee and the Committee of the Regions European CommissionAdded on 18/03/2011 Scenario
Council conclusions on European Semester: macroeconomic and fiscal guidance Council Of The European UnionAdded on 18/03/2011 Scenario
European Semester: a new architecture for the new EU Economic Governance - Q&A European CommissionAdded on 18/03/2011 Scenario
Investire nel futuro dell'Europa. Quinta relazione sulla coesione economica, sociale e territoriale European CommissionAdded on 18/03/2011 Scenario