Obama's Triumph Over Austerity
Obama's Triumph Over Austerity

Ian Bremmer

Added on 04/09/2013

Japan Has the Most to Lose a Fallout with China
Japan Has the Most to Lose a Fallout with China

Ian Bremmer

Added on 04/09/2013

Monthly Bulletin August 2013
Monthly Bulletin August 2013

European Central Bank

Added on 01/08/2013

Transmedia Storytelling. Raccontarsi oltre il racconto
Transmedia Storytelling. Raccontarsi oltre il racconto

Claudio Branca

Added on 01/08/2013

Sales & Marketing
Lettera Club n. 51 – Stimulating innovation in Italy: a strategic necessity for a return to growth
Lettera Club n. 51 – Stimulating innovation in Italy: a strategic necessity for a return to growth

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 19/07/2013

Alta Direzione Scenario
L’ecosistema per l’innovazione: quali strade per la crescita delle imprese e del Paese (Executive Summary)
L’ecosistema per l’innovazione: quali strade per la crescita delle imprese e del Paese (Executive Summary)

Ambrosetti Club

Added on 17/07/2013

The environment for innovation: drivers for the growth of italian companies and Italy (Executive Summary)
The environment for innovation: drivers for the growth of italian companies and Italy (Executive Summary)

Ambrosetti Club

Added on 17/07/2013

Il rilancio della portualità e della logistica italiana come leva strategica per la crescita e la competitività del Paese
Il rilancio della portualità e della logistica italiana come leva strategica per la crescita e la competitività del Paese

The European House-Ambrosetti

Added on 15/07/2013

Operations - R&D
Observatory on Europe 2013 - Improving European integration and competitiveness
Observatory on Europe 2013 - Improving European integration and competitiveness

The European House-Ambrosetti

Added on 15/07/2013

Osservatorio Puglia - Industria e finanza per il rilancio dell'economia regionale
Osservatorio Puglia - Industria e finanza per il rilancio dell'economia regionale

The European House-Ambrosetti

Added on 15/07/2013

Pension reforms in theory and practice
Pension reforms in theory and practice

Elsa Fornero

Added on 10/07/2013

Scenario Risorse umane
Pension fund assets hit record  USD 20.1 trillion in 2011 but investment  performance weakens
Pension fund assets hit record USD 20.1 trillion in 2011 but investment performance weakens

Organisation For Economic Co-operation And Development (OECD)

Added on 10/07/2013

A Response to generational disequilibria: labour and pension reforms in Italy
A Response to generational disequilibria: labour and pension reforms in Italy

Elsa Fornero

Added on 10/07/2013

Scenario Risorse umane
OECD Employment Outlook 2012
OECD Employment Outlook 2012

Organisation For Economic Co-operation And Development (OECD)

Added on 10/07/2013

Mastering the Top 10 Internet of Things challenges
Mastering the Top 10 Internet of Things challenges

Stefan Ferber

Added on 02/07/2013

Innovazione Alta Direzione
What is the Internet of Things & Services?
What is the Internet of Things & Services?

Stefan Ferber

Added on 02/07/2013

Innovazione Alta Direzione
Internet of Everything (IoE)  Top 10 Insights from Cisco’s IoE Value Index Survey  of 7,500 Decision Makers Across 12 Countries
Internet of Everything (IoE) Top 10 Insights from Cisco’s IoE Value Index Survey of 7,500 Decision Makers Across 12 Countries

Joseph Bradley
Jeff Loucks
Andy Noronha
James Macaulay
Lauren Buckalew

Added on 02/07/2013

Innovazione Scenario
Dean Kamen's Slingshot heard 'round the world
Dean Kamen's Slingshot heard 'round the world

Dave Solomon

Added on 01/07/2013

Innovazione Alta Direzione
How Lego is Constructing the Next Generation of Engineers
How Lego is Constructing the Next Generation of Engineers

Franz Lidz

Added on 01/07/2013

Innovazione Alta Direzione
This is how you make kids love math
This is how you make kids love math

David Steel

Added on 01/07/2013

Innovazione Alta Direzione
Linee guida per una sana alimentazione italiana
Linee guida per una sana alimentazione italiana

Istituto Nazionale Di Ricerca Per Gli Alimenti E La Nutrizione (INRAN)

Added on 27/06/2013

Risorse umane
Global recommendations on physical activity for health
Global recommendations on physical activity for health

World Health Organization

Added on 27/06/2013

Risorse umane
Implemantation of the Who Global Strategy on diet, Physical Activity and Health
Implemantation of the Who Global Strategy on diet, Physical Activity and Health

World Health Organization

Added on 27/06/2013

Risorse umane
The Social Media Report 2012
The Social Media Report 2012


Added on 25/06/2013

Sales & Marketing