OECD Economic Outlook - Preliminary Version - November 2015
OECD Economic Outlook - Preliminary Version - November 2015


Added on 20/11/2015

OECD - Economic Policy Reforms - Going for Growth
OECD - Economic Policy Reforms - Going for Growth


Added on 20/11/2015

OECD Economic Surveys - Euro Area
OECD Economic Surveys - Euro Area


Added on 20/11/2015

Rapporto SVIMEZ 2015 sull'economia del mezzogiorno
Rapporto SVIMEZ 2015 sull'economia del mezzogiorno

SVIMEZ - Associazione Per Lo Sviluppo Dell'industria Del Mezzogiorno

Added on 19/11/2015

Sales & Marketing
Annuario dello spettacolo 2014
Annuario dello spettacolo 2014

SIAE - Società Italiana Degli Autori Ed Editori

Added on 19/11/2015

Sales & Marketing
L'Osservatorio sull'eccellenza dei Sistemi di Governo in Italia - Rapporto Finale 2015
L'Osservatorio sull'eccellenza dei Sistemi di Governo in Italia - Rapporto Finale 2015

The European House - Ambrosetti
Gruppo Falck
Intesa Sanpaolo

Added on 19/11/2015

Alta Direzione Scenario
Corporate Governance as a tool for reducing business risk
Corporate Governance as a tool for reducing business risk

The European House - Ambrosetti

Added on 16/11/2015

Alta Direzione Scenario
CRD IV and The Mandatory Structure of Bankers' Pay
CRD IV and The Mandatory Structure of Bankers' Pay

Guido Ferrarini

Added on 16/11/2015

Alta Direzione Economia
Shareholder Engagement and Identification
Shareholder Engagement and Identification

European Company Law Experts

Added on 16/11/2015

Alta Direzione Economia
Competere nella Sharing Economy
Competere nella Sharing Economy

Luciano Floridi

Added on 12/11/2015

The Politics of Uncertainty
The Politics of Uncertainty

Luciano Floridi

Added on 09/11/2015

Alta Direzione
Free Online Services: Enabling, Disenfranchising, Disempowering
Free Online Services: Enabling, Disenfranchising, Disempowering

Luciano Floridi

Added on 09/11/2015

Alta Direzione
Technological Unemployment, leisure occupation, and the Human Project
Technological Unemployment, leisure occupation, and the Human Project

Luciano Floridi

Added on 09/11/2015

Alta Direzione
The New Grey Power
The New Grey Power

Luciano Floridi

Added on 09/11/2015

Alta Direzione
Alla Grecia non basta l'austerity
Alla Grecia non basta l'austerity

Luigi Zingales

Added on 27/10/2015

Scenario Economia
Se la Spagna diventa il nuovo anello debole d'Europa
Se la Spagna diventa il nuovo anello debole d'Europa

Luigi Zingales

Added on 27/10/2015

Scenario Economia
Creating greater economic value in industrial equipment
Creating greater economic value in industrial equipment

B. Joseph Pine II

Added on 27/10/2015

Sales & Marketing
Creating customer value on the digital frontier
Creating customer value on the digital frontier

B. Joseph Pine II
Kim C. Korn

Added on 27/10/2015

Sales & Marketing
Customer experience places: the new offering frontier
Customer experience places: the new offering frontier

B. Joseph Pine II
James H. Gilmor

Added on 27/10/2015

Sales & Marketing
Diagnosing the Italian Disease
Diagnosing the Italian Disease

Bruno Pellegrino
Luigi Zingales

Added on 27/10/2015

Scenario Economia
Mass customisation: you never satep into the same river twice
Mass customisation: you never satep into the same river twice

B. Joseph Pine II

Added on 27/10/2015

Sales & Marketing
Italy's Shallow Recovery
Italy's Shallow Recovery

Jean-Michel Six

Added on 27/10/2015

Scenario Economia
Una visione alternativa d'Europa
Una visione alternativa d'Europa

Luigi Zingales

Added on 27/10/2015

Scenario Economia
Monnet's Error
Monnet's Error

Luigi Guiso
Paola Sapienza
Luigi Zingales

Added on 27/10/2015

Scenario Economia